The Newfields Public Library is participating in "Reach for the Stars" again! This program will last until March 19th. "Reach for the Stars" is a wonderful program where children are encouraged to read and are rewarded with educational, award-winning books of their choice.
"Reach For The Stars" is a reading incentive program sponsored by Educational Development Corporation, the parent company of Usborne Books At Home. Children of all reading levels participate and read for 10 days. Children read for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. (Non-readers are read to for 15 minutes a day). The children are sponsored by their parents/family members who wish to promote reading and encourage literacy. At the end of the 10 day program, the child (with parental/adult help), chooses Usborne books that equal half of what they have collected in pledges. The other half goes to the Newfields Public Library Children's section. Usborne gives back 100% of all pledges raised in this program.
Please stop by the library to sign-up and pick up your reading logs. Prizes are awarded to the child who reads the most minutes in both categories, and to the child who collects in the most pledges.
Support the Newfields Public Library through reading and "Reach For The Stars" !